International federation for the surgery of
obesity and metabolic disorders

26th - 29th September 2018.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Abstract Submission to IFSO 2018 is now closed.

Abstracts Topics:

  • Adjustable gastric banding 
  • Integrated Health/Multidisciplinary care* 
  • Anesthesia and bariatric surgery 
  • Banded procedures 
  • Bariatric registries* 
  • Bariatric surgery in children, adolescents and young adults 
  • Bariatric surgery in the over 65’s 
  • Bariatric surgery tourism 
  • Basic science and research in bariatric surgery* 
  • Emergent technology 
  • Endoscopic and Percutaneous Interventional Procedures 
  • Enhanced recovery in bariatric surgery 
  • Exercise and bariatric surgery* 
  • Fertility, pregnancy and bariatric surgery* 
  • Gastric bypass procedures including Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and One Anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB)/MGB 
  • Gastric Plication 
  • Gastric Stimulation and Nerve Blockade 
  • Hernia surgery in the bariatric patient 
  • Malabsorptive bariatric operations 
  • Medical management of bariatric patients* 
  • Nutrition after bariatric surgery* 
  • Plastic surgery after weight loss 
  • Pre-operative management* 
  • Post-operative care* 
  • Post-operative complications 
  • Primary care and the bariatric surgery patient* 
  • Psychology and bariatric surgery - pre and post-op challenges* 
  • Quality in Bariatric Surgery 
  • Revisional surgery 
  • Robotic bariatric surgery 
  • Management of weight regain after surgery 
  • New (Non Standard) Surgical Techniques 
  • Sleeve gastrectomy 
  • Surgery and strategies for low BMI 
  • Technology and bariatric surgery 
  • Type 2 diabetes and metabolic surgery 
  • Young IFSO session

Abstract Categories

  • Oral
  • Poster
  • Video


All abstracts must be submitted in English using the online submission form on IFSO2018 website.
NOTE: Abstracts submitted by email, fax or post will NOT be accepted. The Scientific Committee will not accept responsibility for any abstracts that have not been properly submitted according to the instructions.


Corresponding authors must provide the organizers with their full mailing address, office hours phone number, fax number and email address. Author and co-author information must be provided including the first and last names of all authors, their department, institution/ hospital, city, state if applicable and country.

Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted as an oral, video or a poster presentation and its decision is final. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for grammar and clarity.
The abstract may be scheduled for presentation on any day from 27-29 September 2018.

Abstract Format Structure

  • Abstract Title: The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS
  • Abstract title limit: 20 words
  • The abstract must be split into the following sections:
    • Background / introduction
    • Objectives
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion

• There are three types of Presentation available – Oral, Poster and Video. Please note that selecting oral will ensure your abstract is considered for oral presentation. Should your oral abstract submission not be accepted, it will automatically be considered for poster presentation. As presentation slots are limited and the abstract may be reallocated for poster presentation. The best 40 poster presentations will be invited to give a 3-minute short oral presentation during the lunch breaks.
• Authors: Please enter your name and your colleagues' names as you wish them to appear in the Final Program. Ensure that you indicate the presenting author on the abstract submission portal.
• Maximum number of words: The abstract text should have maximum of 250 words only
• A maximum of 2 tables can be submitted and each table should only have a maximum of 5 columns and 10 rows. All figures/ tables/ graphs included in the abstract must be submitted in JPG/ BMP / GIF format with a maximum width of 9cm, and resolution up to 150 dpi. Only TWO figures/ tables/ graphs are allowed for each abstract.
• Please note that these tables/ graphs may be resized to fit the final printed material.
• Videos – Please submit the abstract and upload the video for review. Videos under 20MB in size can be uploaded to the system. Videos over 20MB should be uploaded by Dropbox and the link should be added to your submission. Acceptable video formats are: .avi, .mp4 pr .mov
• Do not include references in the abstract.
• Do not include keywords in the abstract.
• A maximum of 5 abstracts will be accepted per presenting author. Those who have already reached this number can only be listed as co-author.
• Abbreviations and SI units should be defined, in parenthesis, in its first use in the abstract.
• Presentation: A Presenting Author whose abstract has been accepted for either video, oral, or poster presentation is required to register and pay the congress registration fee in order to attend the meeting, and deliver their abstract.
• There are no limits of authors per abstract.
• The decision of the scientific committee is considered supreme and irrevocable, and shall not be revised


Oral Presentations

Abstracts accepted as oral presentations for the top paper session will be given 15 minutes of presentation, including question and answer session. Presenters will be requested to submit their PowerPoint presentations saved on a CD, DVD or memory sticks (using the USB port in the computer) and uploaded in the Speakers' Ready Room at least two hours before the start of your session. If you have a video embedded on your PowerPoint presentation, please check that the video file works properly in the hall where your presentation is taking place during a break immediately prior to your session even after you checked in in the Speakers' Ready Room.

Short communication: This year we are re introducing the short communication. Each presenter will have 5-7 minutes and total of 8 slides to present their data including questions and answers.
The meeting rooms will be equipped with PC - based laptops.
Macintosh users should make sure that they have converted their presentation files to formats that are compatible with PC computers. Please read the instructions furnished below before submitting your presentation to the meeting organizers:
• Use these fonts as other fonts may change to a default font on a PowerPoint-based PC: Arial; Times New Roman, Verdana.
• Insert photos that are JPG files. Please note that images saved as TIF, PNG or PICT will not be visible on a PowerPoint-based PC.
• Use AVI, MPG and WMV files as MOV files from QuickTime will not be visible on a PowerPoint-based PC.

Poster Format

Display boards for poster exhibition will be provided on-site. Poster panel's usable size: 2223mm (Height) X 970mm (Width). Please prepare your A0 size poster in PORTRAIT layout. You are required to develop, print, and bring along the poster to the venue for mounting onto the poster board. For legibility, a minimum font size of 28 points and a maximum of 600 words on each poster are recommended. Double-sided tape will be provided to mount your poster.

Video Presentations

Abstracts accepted as video presentations will be given 10 minutes of presentation, including three minutes for question and answer session. Presenters will be requested to submit their video presentations in MPG, AVI, and WMV formats.
All Videos should be in a standardized format: (1) Video title (2) clinical presentation and indication for surgery, (3) preoperative x-ray images/endoscopy/blood results, (4) operative procedure and (5) postoperative outcome. Videos must include verbal narration. Narration must use generic terms, and no use of commercial/proprietary names is allowed. Videos must not exceed 7 minutes in length

Please note that VHS Video projection, 35 mm’ slide projection and overhead projection (projection of transparencies) will not be available.

Originality Disclosure:

By submitting your work to the IFSO 2018, you consent to have authors’ names, affiliation and biographical material used in connection with the publication of your work.

Submitted abstracts/cases should not have been published in any other journals and/or online publications nor presented at any previous international congress.

A submitter, presenter or co-author submitting or presenting published work will lead to:
-Withdrawal of their presentation from the Press Conference and/or Scientific Session
-Prohibition of submitting abstracts/cases to any IFSO congress for one year

Submitted abstracts/cases must report new information not previously published or presented at a national or international scientific meeting prior to the Congress. Note that abstracts/cases previously presented at meetings will not be accepted unless there is a substantial update of data.
Identified duplicates will be retracted from all related IFSO publications.

The content belongs to the author(s). However if the abstract/case is accepted, the submitter agrees, on behalf of all co-authors, to transfer and assign to IFSO the rights to reformat, publish, reproduce, distribute and prepare derivative works such as press releases and/or educational products directly or with partners. This includes use in indexes or search databases in print, electronic, or other media.

Author(s) retain the right, after presentation at the Congress, to subsequently include the work in articles, books, or derivative works that he/she authors or edits, provided said use does not imply the endorsement of IFSO.
The submitter signs for all co-authors. He/she accepts responsibility for the present rules for submission and presentation on behalf of all co-authors.
I also grant and assign to IFSO2018 the rights to film, record, reproduce, reprint, and otherwise make use of the works, or any presentation of the works, in any media or format, and authorize the IFSO2018 to use my name, likeness, photograph, and biographical data in connection with its use and promotion of the works in connection with education works related to the Congress.

The EB has recently decided that the top 10 oral abstracts will have to be mandatorily submitted to OBSU for publication.

Only if the author of one of these 10 oral abstracts wishes to submit the article to a different higher quality journal, he/she has to inform in writing the Editor-in-Chief of OBSU, to inform him and give evidence of the other submission to the other journal, in order to be excused. If the abstract is rejected from the other journal then it has to be submitted to OBSU mandatorily.

* If you have any problem submitting your abstract through the online system, please contact the Secretariat at